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Interview: Donna Singer

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music?

Beauty Along With A Bass features Ranses Colon on bass, Tony Carney as guest vocalist and Ysauro Hernandez on percussion. It has a special song written especially for the CD, which features vocal and bass. Along With A Bass, a fun, toe-tapping great song that puts you in a happy state of mind. Along With A Bass reminds us that a smile is just a song away

Music often has the power to transport people to different places and times. Can you describe a moment in your life when a particular song or album had a profound impact on you?

1969 the song To Be Young Gifted and Black was released by Nina Simone. In 1973 I discovered that song and it resonated within me, all around me and right through me. Black people are defined by their struggle. Though that struggle has been an unavoidable part of our history, we must find moments to celebrate our resilience, pride and endless potential. In school I was called blackie or ugly and this song made me feel right, not good or great, but right.

Another song that impacted me was “To Sir Is Love sung,” by Lulu in the movie staring Sidney Poitier. Powerful movie with a great song. I wanted to sing that song!!

Many artists have rituals or routines they follow before performing or recording. Do you have any unique or quirky pre-show or pre-recording rituals that you find help you get in the zone?

Pre-show I love being out with my fans, I hate being back stage, I want to be where the action is with the vibe and excitement.

Your lyrics often tell a story or convey a message. Can you share the story behind one of your songs and the inspiration that led to its creation?

I do not create/compose music, my husband, composer Roy Singer and lyricist, Mitch Uscher write most of my songs.  Their creations/songs are a major inspiration for me.  I love hearing a song for the first time, then playing it, then singing/rehearsing it, and finally performing it.  Great rush!!  No, I do not have the gift of composition, nor do I have the  gift to pick up a paint brush.  But I’m blessed with a husband of 26 years who does write music and has given me many tunes to sing.  Santa Plays The Bass placed at #2 on the charts, this past Christmas.  The latest Singer/Uscher hit was Go And Seek the Light, a gospel contemporary Christian song.  I’m also excited about my new CD, Beauty Along With A Bass, in which half of the songs are Uscher/Singer compositions.  It was released October 19th, my birthday!!

If you could curate a music festival with a lineup of your dream artists, who would be the headliners, and what would the theme of the festival be?

Prince, Barbara Streisand, Tina Turner and Donna Singer. The theme would be ‘artists that made donna want to sing’

Music can be a powerful tool for advocacy and change. Are there any social or political causes that you’re passionate about, and how does your music play a role in promoting these issues?

Reflecting and Celebrating Diversity: Diversity in music, film, and television allows for the celebration of different cultures, races, genders, sexual orientations, and experiences. When diverse groups are represented, it helps to combat stereotypes and promotes greater understanding. It also helps to recognize the unique talents of different individuals and communities.

Increasing Exposure and Opportunities: Showcasing diverse music and artists can help to expose new audiences to different genres, styles, and cultural influences. Diverse representation in film and television can lead to greater opportunities for actors and creators from underrepresented groups. I sing jazz, gospel, children songs and Christmas songs, major diversity.

Promoting Social Justice: The lack of diversity in music, film, and television has historically reinforced societal inequalities and marginalization. Increasing diversity and representation can help to promote social justice and equity It can also help to shift cultural attitudes and beliefs towards greater acceptance and inclusivity.

The music industry has evolved significantly with technology. How do you see artificial intelligence and emerging technologies impacting the creation and distribution of music in the future?

The digital age makes it easier to get your music out there, but more difficult to get noticed. Also, with streaming royalties at zero or a fraction of a cent, you’re probably not going to be able to retire on one hit song. Persistence is the key.

Many recording artists evolve over time. How do you see your musical journey changing and growing in the next decade?

I’ve always been led to the Great American Songbook and just “plain ole” music.  I graduated from the New York Academy of Theatrical Arts and later studied at Juilliard.  Performing/Entertaining is me!!  I listen to the Beatles, Dinah Washington, Prince, Josh Turner, Whitney Houston and Nancy Wilson and many more. I want for my fans to just accept me and my fun choices. I just follow my heart and try to be myself, no phoniness! Through my 11 Albums and 6 Singles I have evolved from singing The Great American Song Book to more original songs. Lately I’ve released several original gospel songs that have charted at #1. This year I released Beauty Along With A Bass and soon my Christmas single, The Marvelous Magical Merry Mrs Claus, my Christmas original that brings joy and smiles to all. I will continue to tour with my big band the Diamond Jazz Orchestra, next stop Atlanta GA and then a solo tour throughout Rome, Italy. Also another Christmas Album is in the mix for next year, 2024.