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Pop / Rock 17/01/2024MattO Premieres Brand New Music Video « Reeling »

Giving voice to the voiceless, MattO writes songs that have an immediate impact and stick with the listener long after the last chord fades. The Swiss-born, Swiss-based singer-songwriter has been on a mission as of late to release the best material of his over two-decade-long career, and the rock and roll intelligence is taking notice. He unabashedly sings about the « real » things in one’s life, issues, and emotions that matter to the entire human family. Though he is an international creative who takes inspiration from both sides of the Atlantic, MattO brings his keen social commentary to the forefront in his new offering « Reeling », and confidently speaks to those on every continent; a bewildered, angst-filled population looking for answers in a troubled, challenged technocracy.

Climate change, culture wars, erosion of democracy, migration, geopolitical instability: The world has become a dangerous place, it seems. « We reel, but keep stumbling on/We fear the happy days are gone/ We fear nothing can be done/ And we hate to think we should have known. 2024 is going to be a big year for the US and many other major countries as people will take to the ballots to elect their new political leaders. It’s a battle about values more than ever in the past 50 years and it will determine the course of our societies – just like back in the late 60s. We seem to have lost our compass in this complex world but are still called upon to take our destiny into our own hands. » MattO is asking listeners to think hard about the world we want to live in tomorrow and reassess our values because he’s quite certain that stumbling on into the future will not be good enough.

For this well-crafted, fully realized live video, MattO collaborated with two Italian musicians he has worked with for just about 20 years: Luca Meneghello on guitar and Sandro de Bellis on drums/percussion, both of them considered top-tier studio and live musicians in Italy. MattO shares with us that « these friends bring my songs to life effortlessly. There is a great feeling when we play together, with plenty of room to expand and improvise. » The « Reeling » video was directed by Marcello Bumbica, another longtime companion of his musical journey, who did an amazing job in capturing this live performance in Milan in the hot summer of 2023. It’s been said that most talented musicians and singers will shift off this mortal coil with their best music still inside of them. It’s clear now that this will not be the case for MattO. He’s in it to win it, with many more great songwriting efforts just over the horizon.