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Interview: Talia Daniels

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music?

The theme of all of the singles that I have released is Hope. I have been given a hope and a future in Christ and I want everyone else to know that the same is available to them! “Jesus My Hope Always”, which I released for Easter, speaks about Jesus as our Joy and Strength, while “Living Blessing” which is set to release on June 14th, 2024, speaks about being Held and Loved by Christ. My aim is to show the joy in knowing Jesus. I hope my songs will cause someone to turn their eyes away from always focusing on their problems and fix them on Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.

Music often has the power to transport people to different places and times. Can you describe a moment in your life when a particular song or album had a profound impact on you?

A few years ago, I was particularly unnerved by a medical procedure I was about to have. That day as I entered the hospital, I began quietly singing “He’s Able” by Darwin Hobbs, just the chorus. By the time I was led to an outpatient changing room I didn’t realize that I was singing it louder. When they were rolling me into surgery, I was so lost in the song that all my fear fell away. The next thing I remembered was waking up in recovery. I think of that day very often because that song reminded me so clearly of my favorite bible verse, Ephesians 3:20-21. Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen

Many artists have rituals or routines they follow before performing or recording. Do you have any unique or quirky pre-show or pre-recording rituals that you find help you get in the zone?

In both recording and performing my go-to is getting alone with God and praying. I love walking around praying out loud right up to getting on to the stage. It helps me to not focus on me and leave it all up to The Lord. When I was younger, I didn’t realize how important that routine was and would get stuck in my thoughts and find it hard to find the right words to say between songs or the peace needed for recording.

Your lyrics often tell a story or convey a message. Can you share the story behind one of your songs and the inspiration that led to its creation?

“In The Meantime”’ would qualify as a song with an important back story. It was my answer to years of frustration in not having the resources to create the music that was in my heart. There were times when I would get discouraged because I felt like I knew the call that God had on my life, but I was just not able to get to it! I was trying to make things happen by my own will and not waiting and trusting in God. I wrote “In The Meantime” as not only an inspiration to others but also as an instruction to myself on how to wait well. In the meantime…pray, sing, praise…

If you could curate a music festival with a lineup of your dream artists, who would be the headliners, and what would the theme of the festival be?

That is such a cool question! Let’s see…I would love to sit in attendance at and be absolutely blessed to share the stage with Marvin Sapp, CeCe Winans, Darwin Hobbs, Bishop Marvin Winans, and Karen Clark Sheard on my gospel roots side, because they have sung so many songs that have helped me through so much in life. On my CCM side, because I spend each week of my life singing their music, I would be thrilled to be in the presence of Darlene Zschech, Chandler Moore, Jenn Johnson, Tauren Wells, Jonathan McReynolds…there are just so many I just can’t fit them into this interview. The festival would be perfectly named “Come Let Us Worship Together!”.

Music can be a powerful tool for advocacy and change. Are there any social or political causes that you’re passionate about, and how does your music play a role in promoting these issues?

Feeding and clothing those in need…loving and showing mercy to those that may not have the items that we see as important to our daily walk is near and dear to my heart. I have been blessed to walk alongside everyday missionaries regularly. There are ministries that I would like to bring attention to like The Hub in Shreveport Louisiana, where my daughter served for two years. They are active in equipping individuals with the awareness of the resources available to them to live safe and whole lives and the knowledge of Christ. I invite you to focus on churches like mine, FBC Gaffney, that enable and encourage us to go out into the world ministering and caring for all. While I have not penned a song specifically focused on homelessness, that song is a near goal. In the meantime, I hope that each of my songs bring hope and encourage healing to all that listen.

The music industry has evolved significantly with technology. How do you see artificial intelligence and emerging technologies impacting the creation and distribution of music in the future?

For me as an Indie Artist, I find that technology is opening doors for us that are making creation and distribution much easier. For example, I am currently working on a Christmas EP with producer David E Beats. He is in France, and I am in the USA. If it were not for the technology that simplifies our creative process, it would cost me a lot of money to work with David locationally.

Many recording artists evolve over time. How do you see your musical journey changing and growing in the next decade?

In the past, I was stifled by the feeling that I had to create one specific type of musical style and fit into a certain mold. As I grow in my craft, I am excited to try different things and express myself in as many ways as possible. I’m not sure what the next decade will bring but I am excited to see and experience what thinking outside the style box will bring me to. I am excited to keep making music that encourages, speaks the truth and brings peace to the listener.