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Interview: Victoria Renee

Question:** Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music?

Victoria Renée: Oh, « Secrets » is really close to my heart! The album is a mix of personal experiences and stories from people around me. I wanted to share themes of being true to yourself, bouncing back from tough times, and finding your inner strength. Each song tells a different story, from the highs of love to the lows of heartbreak. I hope listeners can see a bit of their own journey in the music.

Question: Music often has the power to transport people to different places and times. Can you describe a moment in your life when a particular song or album had a profound impact on you?

Victoria Renée: Definitely! I remember the first time I heard Mariah Carey’s “Hero.” I was going through a rough patch, and that song became my lifeline. It reminded me that hope and perseverance are powerful, and it gave me the strength to keep going. Music has this magical way of speaking to us when we need it most, and « Hero » did just that for me.

Question: Many artists have rituals or routines they follow before performing or recording. Do you have any unique or quirky pre-show or pre-recording rituals that you find help you get in the zone?

Victoria Renée: Oh, I have a few quirky rituals! Before any performance or recording session, I like to meditate for a few minutes to clear my mind. Then, I do some fun vocal warm-ups with humming and scales to loosen up. And I always have a cup of herbal tea with honey—it’s my little comfort routine that helps me relax and get ready to give my best.

Question: Your lyrics often tell a story or convey a message. Can you share the story behind one of your songs and the inspiration that led to its creation?

Victoria Renée: One song that really stands out is “A Better Tomorrow.” It was inspired by my work with the Edie Hand Foundation. I wanted to write something that speaks to the power of community and the hope for a brighter future. The song is a call to action, encouraging everyone to contribute to positive change. The collaboration with the foundation really brought the song’s spirit to life.

Question: If you could curate a music festival with a lineup of your dream artists, who would be the headliners, and what would the theme of the festival be?

Victoria Renée: That’s such a fun question! My dream festival would have headliners like Aretha Frankli, Whitney houston,Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, and Ariana Grande—artists who have really inspired me. The theme would be “Voices of Empowerment,” celebrating powerful female vocalists and their amazing contributions to music and society. It would be a weekend filled with incredible performances, inspirational talks, and a whole lot of unity and strength.

I have an amazing show: « Queens of Pop – A Tribute to Powerful Women Vocalists in History. » This 60-minute tribute celebrates the legendary voices that have shaped pop music, featuring performances honoring these icons – you can subscribe to my newsletter to get the updates

Question: Music can be a powerful tool for advocacy and change. Are there any social or political causes that you’re passionate about, and how does your music play a role in promoting these issues?

Victoria Renée: I’m super passionate about mental health awareness, women empowerment and saving the planet. I try to use my music to raise awareness and spread messages of hope and healing. Songs like “A Better Tomorrow” are meant to inspire and encourage people to take action. I believe music can really touch hearts and minds and help drive meaningful change.

Question: The music industry has evolved significantly with technology. How do you see artificial intelligence and emerging technologies impacting the creation and distribution of music in the future?

Victoria Renée: Technology has definitely changed the game! AI and new tech are making music production more accessible and efficient. But, it’s so important to keep the human touch in music. While technology can boost our creative process, the heart and emotions behind the music will always come from us as artists. It’s exciting to think about the blend of human creativity and tech innovations for the future.

Question: Many recording artists evolve over time. How do you see your musical journey changing and growing in the next decade?

Victoria Renée: I’m really excited about the future! I see myself exploring different genres and collaborating with a wide range of artists. I want to keep pushing my boundaries, telling authentic stories, and connecting with my audience on a deeper level. The journey is just as important as the destination, and I’m looking forward to every step along the way.