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Interview: Kicknut

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or
stories you aimed to convey through your music?

It’s all about hanging with the cats, drink a pot of coffee, finding the energy and following it. Grind Zone is about doing the proverbial work, whilst letting your hair down and having as much fun as possible while walking the lines of excellence.

Music often has the power to transport people to different places and times. Can you
describe a moment in your life when a particular song or album had a profound impact
on you?

Every single day this moment happens. Sound waves do something crazy to the human brain. Recently the drummer of my high school band passed and I listened to all these late 90s songs and was instantly back in his basement dancing my ass off.

Many artists have rituals or routines they follow before performing or recording. Do you
have any unique or quirky pre-show or pre-recording rituals that you find help you get in
the zone?

push ups. coffee. water. deep stretching. green curry with coconut rice and extra bamboo shoots.

Your lyrics often tell a story or convey a message. Can you share the story behind one
of your songs and the inspiration that led to its creation?

p.s. middle finger is something my very young nephew would always say. it stayed with me for 13 years and finally found it’s place as the hook of a KICKNUT song. it’s crazy how the process works. there is a place for everything!

If you could curate a music festival with a lineup of your dream artists, who would be the
headliners, and what would the theme of the festival be?

Theme: HOT DIRTY HIPPIES. Bands: Phish, Jay-Z, Meshuggah, Radiohead, Williow

Music can be a powerful tool for advocacy and change. Are there any social or political
causes that you’re passionate about, and how does your music play a role in promoting
these issues?

We are passionate about human rights + free speech. Our music is our free speech.

The music industry has evolved significantly with technology. How do you see artificial
intelligence and emerging technologies impacting the creation and distribution of music
in the future?

CRAZY TOWN. it’s exciting. we need to harness it to stuff that isn’t art. machine made art is pretty lame, HENCE WHEY KICKNUT is cool. AI is cool for responding to lame emails tho.

Many recording artists evolve over time. How do you see your musical journey changing
and growing in the next decade?

Potentially, we will be the next Three Tenors! will be sick and we’ll headline BEAVER STADIUM.