Interview: Hope Easton

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music?

How about my latest single? I did an album in 2020 and so many people don’t have cd players that it seems almost useless to create one. Latest single is about flying on a private jet. I wrote it about learning different ways to say hello and goodbye and that we are actually traveling all the time on our wonderful blue ball planet!

Music often has the power to transport people to different places and times. Can you describe a moment in your life when a particular song or album had a profound impact on you?

So many different albums and songs have transported me and made huge impacts on my life. But I think they actually transported me to a deeper place in myself.

Many artists have rituals or routines they follow before performing or recording. Do you have any unique or quirky pre-show or pre-recording rituals that you find help you get in the zone?

I usually try not to sing or talk too much that day. And usually I go over the tunes in my head and with the instruments . And yes I have more rituals…daily so I practice them too.

Your lyrics often tell a story or convey a message. Can you share the story behind one of your songs and the inspiration that led to its creation?

Right now Im writing a song about Timelines, because I went to Europe( Italy) and when I came back some things definitely changed. So I feel I went through or somehow changed timelines. Yet to be recorded!

If you could curate a music festival with a lineup of your dream artists, who would be the headliners, and what would the theme of the festival be?

Unknown artists. I would pick and choose musicians I know who are super talented and put them all on a bill…

Music can be a powerful tool for advocacy and change. Are there any social or political causes that you’re passionate about, and how does your music play a role in promoting these issues?

I am interested in the world and politics, but change is personal. And for that to change, it has to start on the microcosm of one self. So I find I write connected to my own perceptions of reality, what I go through ( others too) and hope to bring some hope out of it all.

The music industry has evolved significantly with technology. How do you see artificial intelligence and emerging technologies impacting the creation and distribution of music in the future?

Honestly, I don’t think it is a great area for AI to be in music, period. AI and computer generated tech should be for technical things maybe science and so on. Isn’t music above and beyond that? I already can’t stand auto tune, it sounds so fake. And streaming has killed the monetary ability of so many artists. I think in general it will fail and people will want the raw and natural sounds of someones voice and instrument. And to see and hear the musicians live.That is my hope anyway!

Many recording artists evolve over time. How do you see your musical journey changing and growing in the next decade?

Well, I hope to continue working with other musicians and continue writing. Everything changes , so that is the given. As per journey, I wish it to be full and creative. That would be fulfilling to continue the actual journey and have more success and more ears to listen!