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Interview: Briana Calhoun

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music? Well, my background is a bit different than most. I’ve been to prison. I like to joke…

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Interview: Victoria Renee

Question:** Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music? Victoria Renée: Oh, « Secrets » is really close to my heart! The album is a mix of…

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Interview: Lucas Roy

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes or stories you aimed to convey through your music? My latest single was inspired by some tough times I was going through. When I was younger,…

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Interview: Cassy Judy

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest album, and what themes orstories you aimed to convey through your music? Yes, the inspiration behind my last album Body Parts, was very physical, it was a real life tour…

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