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Marsha Swanson To Release New Album ‘Near Life Experience’

London-based progressive pop singer-songwriter Marsha Swanson will release her highly anticipated 17-track album, ‘Near Life Experience’, on January 19, 2024. Brace yourselves for a new-year journey as Marsha kicks off 2024 with a sensational fusion of soul-stirring melodies and profound storytelling inspired by greats such as Kate Bush and Carole King!

Building on the success of her previous album, Marsha Swanson’s album cover for ‘Near Life Experience’ is a visual marvel designed by the legendary Storm Studios, responsible for iconic creations for artists such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Muse. The late Storm Thorgerson himself designed Marsha’s last album cover and chose it to appear in his esteemed collection, « The Raging Storm ». The artwork mirrors the depth of Marsha’s musical offering.

‘Near Life Experience’ boasts production from multi- platinum-selling producer Iestyn Polson (known for his work with music icons like David Gray, Patti Smith, and David Bowie) and Henry (King Thumb) Thomas, recognized for his musical contributions to the BBC program Rockschool and collaborations with stars such as Randy Crawford, Gloria Gaynor, Van Morrison, and Sarah Jane Morris.

The album opens with ‘Facing Life’, setting the tonefor the overarching theme that runs through all 17tracks. Marsha Swanson also introduces instrumentalbookends, ‘Waltz for Life’ and ‘In Touch’, representing life’s openings and endings, with the songs in between reflecting the content of life and the inseparable nature of life’s highs and lows.

Track Highlights:

‘Facing Life’ – Explores the balance between protecting and preparing a child for life’s uncertainties, presenting a mother’s reflection on this delicate balance.

‘Happy Ever After’ – Explores adapting to changes in life expectations triggered by unexpected events and mourning lost « Happy Ever After » moments.

‘Making Waves’ – Inspired by Irvin Yalom’s concept of rippling, the song explores the lasting impact people can have even after death through their ideas and deeds.

‘In Parallel’ – Reflects on the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship, drawing inspiration from loyal swans that mate for life.

‘No Mystery’ – Inspired by the book « The Game, » delves into the surprising emptiness felt by those who pursue conquest in relationships, exploring the impact of insecure attachments.

‘Homeward Bound’ – Observes relationship patterns and explores the attraction or repulsion towards traits similar to or different from those of one’s parents.

‘Mahler’s Letter of Intent & Alma Mahler’s Lament’ – Examine the tragic relationship between Gustav Mahler and Alma Mahler, drawing on their love letters and diary entries, with personal ties to Marsha who is a distant descendant of Mahler.

‘Still Remember’ – A wish fulfilment song expressing hope for enduring love and the triumph of good memories over tough times.

‘Generational Transmission’ – Explores the inheritance of traits from previous generations, emphasizing the responsibility to break free from generational trauma.

‘My Rules’ – Focuses on the challenge of connecting with someone who struggles to compromise.

‘Not You’ – Portrays the thawing of a frozen inner child, a lullaby to soothe the inner child in all of us.

‘Loves Not Late’ – Stresses the importance of love in navigating life’s uncertainties, acknowledging its role as a healing force.

‘In Touch’ – An instrumental encapsulating the album’s themes, featuring three generations of female voices reading lines of poetry.

So, ready for the release of ‘Near Life Experience’ by Marsha Swanson? You are in for a treat as Marsha delves deep into exploring the human experience. It will be available to stream everywhere on January 19, 2024, and it is not one to miss! Also, mark your calendars for a special album launch by Marsha Swanson at Bush Hall in London on the same day.